Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Solar Garden Fountain What Are the Advantages?

Solar powered electric appliances find definite place in our homes these days. People, who are concerned about our environment get solar powered home appliances, and of course solar powered fountains for the garden. There are many plus sides when installing a solar fountain for your garden, but there are some disadvantages as well.

How do solar pump fountains for the garden operate?

Usually  solar garden fountains   are very easy to install. Just like many other home appliences that are solar powered they use solar panels with Photovoltaic (PV) cells to collect energy of the sun. Since a fountain pump doesn't need much solar energy, the panels are not big.

There are two main types. First are fountains where solar panels are incorporated in the design of the fountain itself. This type is the easiest to install, but you have to make sure that you place your new fountain in a sunny spot otherwise it won't work.

The second type of solar fountain has remote solar panels, which can be positioned several meters away from the fountain. If you chose this type, it doesn't matter whether your fountain is in a sunny or shady spot as long as the panels are exposed to the sun. Most solar fountains with remote panels come with easy to set up mounting system for the panels. Usually you can mount them on the wall, use grass stakes to position them on the loan or use a tall wooden stake to put your panel high up above all the plants.

Pros and cons of solar fountains

There are many benefits!advantages of buying a solar garden fountain rather than the electric one. The most obvious advantage is that the energy is free. An electric pump won't add much to your energy bill in a day, but if you want your fountain to work all summer, you can save a lot by using sun energy instead of electricity or batteries.

Another advantage is that you are not limited by proximity to a power source when selecting a place for your fountain. This is particularly important for people with large gardens. You can place your fountain in the farthest corner from the house, as long as the solar panels are on a sunny spot.

Also solar fountains are very easy to install. Solar powered fountains with panels built into a body of the fountain don't require any special installation at all. This type is perfect as a solar pond fountain that sprays water from your pond. Since there is no cord the fountain can just float on the surface.

The main downside of a solar powered garden fountain is it might stop working in cloudy weather. Most pumps will still work on a slightly cloudy day, but if it is really overcast the flow of water will be much less. And, of course, your fountain won't work at night.

Also, it is best to disconnect your fountain in winter. It would work fine on a sunny day without snow, but snow and frost can damage your pump.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

One Vital Aspect Of Organic Gardening Is Feeding the Soil

Here is an important aspect of organic gardening and I'm sure that you will relate to it very well. Just imagine this, you are famished, you are waiting to be fed, you also have not bathed. The thing is you have spent so much time taking care of others and working, so much so you have not had time to look after yourself.

Just think how you would feel? For a certain amount of time, you might be able to accept this. You may still carry on for a while and ask for nothing in return. But as the days pass by, you will feel the negative effect this is having on you. So much so, the effect on you would be that you will not have the energy you once had. You would grow weaker and weaker, until you could no longer carry on the way you used to

Now ask yourself, how is this related to the organic method of gardening? Well that is easy, you should compare this to the state of the soil. Soil is very important in this type and for all other types of gardening. The soil is the base for everything. It is the bed, or the home of your plants

Depending on where you are located, the soil that you will have to work with will vary to a high degree. What you will need to do when choosing what you are going to grow, is only plant anything that is suitable to the soil you have available to you. When you have picked the right kind, then you are now on you way to the first steps of your gardening adventure using the organic method.

As said above, the soil must never be left untended. It must never go hungry. Or else, what happened in the example above will also happen to the soil. You need to constantly feed soil. You have to bathe it and you need to take care of it, just like how you would tend to yourself.

You will know from your school days that the soil needs water, sunlight and air. But if you do everything organically now. Does it make out any difference? Yes, it makes a lot of difference. Although you still have to feed your soil and the plants water, you will have to add something else. Whet you will need to add is organic waste placed in the soil.

Have you ever heard of composting? This is the process where you culminate decaying natural material like leaves, grasses, peelings of fruits or vegetables, even manure and fish heads, all these will act as you soils to act as fertilizer. This is the organic remember? You if you follow this way you cannot resort to anything synthetic.

Not only are you going to feed the soil, you also have to attend to it regularly. Mulching is like massaging the soil to keep its shape. This way, you will be able to get rid of the pests that your soil has got through the coming days or months.

By doing this it will actually help you prevent getting far bigger problems in your garden. There are many types of soil that you will find, they need different types of care and attention. As an example, clay can hold up water better than the sandy kind of soil. You will need to know these kind of details, so you will to be able to improve on your organic gardening adventure.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Home Gardening Tips To Keep In Mind

There are tons of different home gardening tips, indoor gardening tips, organic gardening tips, vegetable gardening tips – no wonder the average gardener finds it so overwhelming to figure out just which specific tips are going to be most useful to them. If this is your situation, you should know that out of all of these, there are a few home gardening tips in particular that are going to be useful for you to learn.

Before you can properly or fully understand these tips however you are going to need to learn a bit more about home gardening and what it is all about.

What it is

Home gardening is a type of gardening that continues to grow in popularity. Home gardeners can product tasty, nutritious vegetables and beautiful flowers, and to be a successful gardener you really need to take advantage of the different home gardening tips that are out there.

Home Gardening Tips

One of the best home gardening tips is to choose the right garden site. Most plants need to be exposed to full or near full sunlight with deep, fertile and well drained soil depending on the type of plant you are working with of course. The location should also be near a water outlet and free of competition from existing shrubs or trees.

Of course this is one of the most important tips of all because if you do not choose the right location for planting, you are not going to have any success.

Another of the most important home gardening tips is to select the right crops. As a home gardener, this is going to be one of the most important processes that you are going to have to worry about, and so one of your first major decisions is going to be deciding what vegetables you should grow.

some crops like watermelon, cucumbers and winter squash require a lot more space than normal to grow, while you might focus vegetable plants like tomatoes or potatoes as they don't need as much room.

It really all depends on your skill level and the amount of time and effort that you are going to be willing and able to put into this, which will determine how serious you can get into your gardening. Regardless, these tips are going to come in very handy and help get you started.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Where To Find Organic Gardening Information

Organic gardening to grow good organic food is one of the most popular forms of gardening in the world today. There is a lot of organic gardening information which can be found in printed publications and also via the internet. Many people wish to know more about organic gardening or farming. This is due mainly for concern regarding one's health and that of the environment. Organic gardening information is usually used to cultivate the many different species of plants that the farmer or gardener may have.

This Is Included In Organic Gardening Information

In many cases of printed publications which have relevant organic gardening information, readers wish to know tips of growing and cultivating plants during seasons, in specific areas of the world and what is necessary to make the plants grow healthy and have quality produce. Organic gardening information may differ from each other depending on the opinion of the experts of the variety of plants and other factors that affect it. In spite of this, there are also facts which the many experts in organic gardening information may have in agreement.

Other organic gardening information that farmers and gardeners might want are those concerning the progress regarding organic pesticides and herbicides. These are usually among the main issues of any sort or form of organic gardening information publication. The kind of garden supply that passes muster as organic is another important aspect of information regarding organic gardening. Garden supplies that should be used for organic gardening needs to be acknowledged in many organic gardening information publications for others to see its merit and appreciate what it does for the people and the environment. The methods of pest control can also be discussed especially the use of other insects as pest control. 

Another important aspect in gardening information is the resources that many farmers and gardeners rely on to supply seeds and seedlings for the plants that they will cultivate. Organic gardening information publications and releases are sure to have some recommendations regarding which nurseries and seeds suppliers have done well for the year and which ones may have some problems regarding their current stocks.

Farmers and gardeners who wish to use organic methods to  produce organic foods and food with high content of antioxidants to consumers need to be kept up to date with organic gardening information to help them stay afloat and deal with the many problems that may crop up concerning this market. Keeping abreast with the news and times are essential in organic gardening.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Growing Fresh Herbs – What You Need To Know

Do you want to provide your family with wholesome food and save money in the process? Well growing fresh herbs is the way to create a tasty meal and nutritious meal. The effort is well worth it as it takes very little effort on your behalf in growing the fresh herbs and the rewards of growing culinary herbs in food cannot be beaten.


Growing Fresh Herbs – Your Choice


Start by choosing the herbs you plan to use often if you're growing fresh herbs for the first time. For example, if Italian cooking is your strong point then oregano would be a good first choice as it complements tomato based recipes. Other herbs to consider would be caraway, parsley and chervil that go well with soups salads and stews. Basil, marjoram and tarragon work with meat dishes while cilantro adds zest to soups and beans. Rosemary and sage add savory flavor to stuffing and chamomile and sweet woodruff make fragrant teas.


Options for Growing Fresh Herbs


Depending on how much time you have and the garden space will dictate what herbs you will want to plant and harvest in your garden. But here are several options for growing fresh herbs.


Your Traditional Garden


If you have space in your back garden for a conventional garden and you have an assortment of different herb plants to grow, then creating a traditional patch in your backyard would be the best way. For convenience sake try and keep the herb garden close to the house so you can step outside and quickly cut some herbs. Make sure the plot is in an area that has direct sunlight and is well-drained.


The Indoor Garden


If you lack space then growing fresh herbs, in an indoor environment, can work well. For an indoor garden you will only be able to grow a few herbs. Make sure that you select a sunny window and a stable windowsill to place them on. Check for pests and water occasionally and the plants should flourish and produce flavorful herbs


The Container Garden


The container garden gives you the option of having a larger quantity of herbs that can be placed outside. The containers only requirement is that they can provide good drainage. This type of garden is considered transportable as the containers used for growing fresh herbs can be moved at any time required. Container gardens are convenient for anyone who does not have the time to keep an actual garden but desires to grow a large amount of herbs.


Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Vegetable Gardening-Which Type Will Suit You?

Every gardener has his own set way of growing things, this is what makes him suitable for certain gardening styles. If you know this yourself and your gardening style, then you will adapt the growing of your organic garden to your abilities. This will be a big help for the yield of your vegetables. Doing this will pretty much give you an edge over other gardening enthusiasts. But the Question is, just what are these different gardening types? This article will cover some of the types that you may consider suit you.

Residential Gardening

You will find that this type of gardening is the most common of all the gardening techniques. If you have just started or are a beginner may not be ready or inclined to produce vegetables for commercial reasons yet, Thus, residential gardening will be just right for you. The main objective of residential gardening is to try and sustain a family of two with a regular supply of vegetables.

Residential gardening requires very little space. It can also be done in window boxes on balconies and on many other small areas that are available to you, that is as long as they have enough of a light source. Growing this way is easy for you to monitor, also it is easy to maintain as well, which means you can keep on top of any nasty little pests. The best thing about residential gardening is that way it ushers the gardening wannabe with ease from having no prior planting experience to expanding to the various other gardening styles

Specialized Gardening

Specialized gardening is normally for non residential areas that are often marketed as parks, botanical gardens, amusement parks and other tourist attractions fall under this category. Normally a staff is required to maintain these places, this is due to there size, also administrative skills will be required on top of gardening expertise.

Indoor Gardening

Indoor gardening comes under the huge scope of residential gardening. The types that come in this category are conservatories, greenhouses and academic institutions. Buildings with heating and air conditioning may used to grow certain types of plants. If you are the type of gardener who really loves cultivating plants in and out of season, then indoor gardening is for you

Water Gardening

If you want a garden that requires only minimal supervision, then water gardening will be for you. This can normally be quit a bit of a challenge for most gardeners, this is because it moves away from the traditional gardening techniques that most people are used to. But this style appeals to many because of the aesthetic look it brings to there garden.

So there you have a few different styles to help give you an idea on what may suit you, there are many more for you to choose from yet. Just do a quick search on the internet and choose the garden style to suit you

Organic Vegetable Gardening

Organic indoor gardening is gardening indoors, without the use of any pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Every product that is used in organic indoor gardening is all natural and safe.

There are many benefits then that are offered from organic indoor gardening, especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables. With organic indoor vegetable gardening in particular, you can grow and eat or sell vegetables knowing that you are getting more nutrition and not any of the harmful chemicals that are used in regular gardening.

If you are only going to be able to devote a small portion of your time to your gardening, there is really no point in you heading out and spending a fortune on tons of different gardening tools when you will probably not end up even using most of them.

There are all types of organic gardening – everything from organic flower gardening to organic vegetable gardening. The main difference between regular and organic gardening is that when you are growing things organically you are not using pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

The process of getting started in organic vegetable gardening really does not have to be all that difficult, and you just need to follow a few important steps so that you have the most success with your organic vegetable gardening as possible.

These are just a few of a multitude of organic gardening tips, and really the best idea is going to be for you to read as many tips as you can, to get the most education on organic gardening in general and get a better idea on the different things that you can do to have success with your plants.

If you've heard about organic gardening compost or organic gardening formula before but you are not exactly what it is and why you should be using it. Compost is one of the essentials for gardening, and organic gardening compost is the same for organic gardening. What organic gardening compost does is it acts as one of nature’s best mulches and soil amendments and as a result it will help your plants to grow.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Maintaining A Hydroponics Vegetables Greenhouse

Hydroponics is not only an easily-learned method of growing, it is also simple to sustain and is completely eco friendly. Did you consider the hydroponics vegetables greenhouse? Even small children have been taught to practice hydroponics in a classroom setting and if they can do it, so can you. 

Hydroponics Is Really Healthy For The Environment And For Your Family As Well

You can be eco friendly by using the hydroponics method and have the benefit of fresh fruit and vegetable grown without pesticides and herbicides. Lettuce, tomatoes, chilli peppers, bean sprouts are just some of the examples of easy crops to grow. 

When you choose a hydroponics vegetables greenhouse, you will be able to enjoy vegetables and fruits all year round.  Imagine having all the fresh herbs you want.  You can have a continuous supply of your favorite herbs such as basil, oregano, thyme, chives, chervil, parsley, sorrel, mint, sage, cilantro and dill and many other herbs. 

The Advantages of Hydroponics over Field Crops

A couple of advantages that the hydroponics growing method has over conventional field crops is that the roots are always exposed to oxygen, water and nutrients in a controlled environment.  Instead of setting up a sprinkler system or hauling the hose around outside, you can conserve water by growing your plants using the hydroponics growing method. 

For a field crop, the quality of its exposure to water will determine how much oxygen the plants are getting.  Not enough water and the plant will dry up from too much air and oxygen while too much water will not let the plant gets the oxygen it needs.  A crop field can compete with a hydroponics plant for growth only if the soil and watering system is excellent.

Air Fertilization for your Greenhouse

There are some special considerations that are involved with a hydroponics vegetables greenhouse and that includes the fact that during the winter, the levels of carbon dioxide can be lower in the middle of the hydroponics vegetables greenhouse and that means those center plants will not grow as much as the others.  You can remedy this through the practice of enriching the greenhouse atmosphere with carbon dioxide, a practice known as air fertilization. 

To get a good harvest from the hydroponics vegetables greenhouse you do not need to have any gardening experiance. To meet the requirements of the family a hydroponic vegetable greenhouse will provide you with the controlled environment you will need.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Spring Lawn

It’s early spring and the weather is getting warmer. Not only have I started to come out of hibernation, but so have all of the plants in the garden. One of the first indications that the weather is warming up is the acceleration of the growth of the lawn.

My backyard tends to die off over winter as the sun passes lower in the sky and it fails to reach the grass for just about the entire cooler months. Now that we are only two weeks into spring I can already see the new tinge of green as it all begins to waken and start turning the yard into a lawn again.

Naturally that means it’s time to give the lawnmower a check to ensure that it is in good working condition. I wouldn’t want to have to get to the virtually overgrown lawn stage and find out that I have to buy a new lawnmower.

In order to promote the growth in my lawn, I don’t do a terrible lot save for getting out with the rake and the garden fork. First I give the thatch a good solid rake to remove all of last seasons die-off that had accumulated. Next I go over the entire lawn with the garden fork aerating the soil to give the new grass something to latch itself onto.

In next to no time the early evening is going to buzz to the tune of the neighbourhood lawnmowers trimming the lawn in the warm twilight hours.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Adding A Garden Shed

When designing a new backyard garden, either from scratch or as a redesign project, the inclination is to focus on the garden beds and the plants that you will use to fill them. It’s only natural, right? But there is another very important item that should be considered when working on all of the various layouts for inclusion. Make sure you have left room for an outdoor garden shed.

The garden shed is an essential addition to any garden as the prime storage place for your garden tools, fertilizers, potting mix, pots, lawnmower, you name it. If you use it in the garden the most convenient place to store it will be in your garden shed. As a guy, too, this is the place where you’re going to be sent when you’re “in the doghouse”, but perhaps I’m just projecting, here.

There are any number of garden sheds that can be bought cheaply in kit form that will only take an afternoon to assemble. Then, when you’ve finished the assembly process you’ll be able to use it immediately by packing all your tools away into it.

Make sure that you get a garden shed that can be both anchored down securely and the door can be locked properly. Because it’s not going to be as burglar-proof as other parts of the house, it would be advisable to keep any major power tools stored elsewhere. But for the garden fork, spade, axe, rake and other odds and ends, your outdoor storage shed is a must.

Deciding On A Vegetable Garden

With a small garden already filled with a delightful array of shrubs and ornamental grasses, there’s just enough room for one final touch. Every backyard should make some room for a small vegetable garden.

It seems that we are being given a greater range of vegetables to grow in small spaces and pots. This gives everyone the opportunity to grow a few of their favourite vegetables. So I was thinking I might put in a couple of Buttercrunch lettuce, some nice spring onions and a small pepper bush, all of which should come together to make a very presentable salad.

In a separate pot I might plant out some Tiny Tim tomatoes, I mean, what vegetable garden is complete without the faux-vegetables such as tomatoes? And the Tiny Tims are particularly sweet and when fertilized properly can be particularly bountiful.

With a plentiful supply of nice rich, compost laden soil on hand thanks to a compost bin that works overtime, I can expect to produce a bumper crop. Fortunately, the site I have set aside for my little vegetable garden is in a great sunny spot, just what the vegetable plants will love.