The attempt to get rid of pests has been around as long as agriculture.
This industry is growing at a phenomenal rate. In the last 5 years, the pest control industry has seen an increase of about 50%. It is now considered to be a $7 billion industry nationwide.
Remote locations have become a very a popular site for new homes. Many people have a strong desire to reside in the woods or desert. I think that few consider the fact that when you're constructing in certain areas, you are destroying the homes of insects and animals. Only when they enter your home are they labeled as pests
What is Pest Control?
Getting rid of unwanted pests is the ultimate goal. Where Structural home pest control is the control of household pests, including wood destroying pests such as termites, or simply unsanitary insects such as cockroaches, insect pest control tends to be the control of pests affecting your plants, garden, lawn and/or soil. It could possibly effect the house also, but it's the garden that we are more concerned about.
Protecting the plants in your garden must be done in order to have healthy produce results. Once pests are discovered in the yard, the damage has gotten out of control. Well there are measures you can take to help eradicate the problem.
What can we do to contain the unwanted pests in our garden?
Many people see gardening and home pest control as a do-it-yourself job. Well that's fair enough - up to a point. To have control over garden pests requires the acumen of a physician: you need to know the nature of the pests and determine how far these pests have damaged each specific plant before you can ascertain the appropriate pest control technology to use. Polls indicated that too many people feel they know what they're doing when they don't, and that they don't need to read or follow the instructions on the can.
The well being of both your family and any visitors into your home could be affected by this over concentration of insecticide. Of course we are specifically referring to chemicals, as chemical pest control is still the predominant type of pest control today. Nonetheless, as people have become aware of the long-term consequences of using chemical pesticides, there has been a recent increase in research into more naturally friendly methods of pest control.
Periodic visits from a home control pest company is a must if you do not want to dirty your hands and yet still want to take control over domestic pest infestations. One advantage to monthly pest control is that someone should be looking at your house and garden for pest problems regularly. One disadvantage of monthly pest control is that homeowners insist that PCOs apply a chemical treatment monthly whether there is a pest problem or not!
It is astonishing to see the factual pattern of the pesticides used in the home and the garden:
1 Each year 67 million pounds of pesticides are applied to lawns.
2 Much more pesticide is applied to city lawn and gardens per unit area than to most farmland.
Please use any kind of pesticide with greatest caution. There are are insects which are a help in keeping the pests in check and the fear is you may kill them. This means you will have to spray more in the future. Further, various bugs contribute to plant pollination which helps your garden thrive and flourish. Don't use persistent, broad-spectrum, contact insecticides like diazinon, malathion and carbaryl. While these may seem to help, they actually provide only temporary control and kill more of the natural predators than the pests you are trying to eliminate. With their natural enemies eliminated, pest populations will rapidly multiply and you could end up with a bigger problem than you had before.
Do you, the consumer, know just how dangerous they are to you?:
1 Pesticides can be tracked inside as an EPA study found 23 different kinds in the dust and air collected from inside someones home.
2 Garden chemicals are harmful to our environment and the US Geological Survey routinely discovers evidence of them, especially weed killers, in the waterways around urban centers.
It's shocking to some people who feel we cannot live without these pest control methods.
Gardening and Natural Home Pest Control
We are convinced that the safe and successful way to control pests in your yard is through a natural balance of organisms in your lawn and gardens. Not only is natural pest control safer and more environmentally friendly than artificial chemicals, it's even cheaper.
There are several methods that can be used to help eradicate gardening pests:
1 Things you could try include traps, barries and row covers.
2 There are a variety of plants that provide both pollen and nectar constantly. Planting these will attract 'good' bugs to your garden.
3 You can keep pests from damaging your plants by preventing them getting to the plants in the first place. If you only see a few pests,physically removung them can sometimes keep the problem in check.
So, you are not alone, this is obviously a problem encountered by a vast number of people. Thousands of people across the world are also looking for pest control, so we hope this has been of help.