Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sporting Synthetic Grass Is Here To Stay
The truth is that nothing could be further than the truth and in the large scale of things American baseball is an insignificant speck on the world sporting stage. Sure it means something to Americans but the rest of the world? Not so much. In fact, artificial turf is growing in popularity for numerous sports around the world. Hockey, cricket, soccer, lacrosse, tennis and other sports are all taking up the benefits that are gained though replacing natural grass with the synthetic equivalent.
The gains in playing time have been phenomenal, the injury rate (claimed to be greater due to synthetic grass) is still high due to the uneven playing surface that non-elite sportsmen and women have to play on.
The technology involved with synthetic grass continues to progress something that you know is not going to happen with real grass. Let’s face it, grass is grass and it’s not going to get any better than it already is. In fact, some of the great breakthroughs involving “natural” grass in football stadia has involved the use of plastic mesh down a the grass roots level binding the sod together.
More and more clubs and local groups are taking up the opportunity of installing synthetic turf in the playing fields and playgrounds of the area because they know it is more reliable than grass and the weather. When you lose over half the season because your home ground is a wasteland dump of mud and water too many years in a row something is bound to snap.
Monday, October 19, 2009
An Artificial Grass Warning
Don’t simply buy a certain type of synthetic grass lawn simply because it is cheaper than other types of grass. There’s usually a reason why it’s cheaper and it’s usually because it is an artificial grass product that has been made in China and imported to the US. In general the Chinese artificial grasses are inferior to the products manufactured in the US.
It is usually very obvious what is the American made product and what is the product made in China. The blades of grass of the overseas product are often shiny green blades with black backing which means that they look nothing like the real grass they’re supposed to be imitating. The widths in which the grass is available are also different. American synthetic grass comes in rolls that are 15 feet wide while the Chinese versions are 13 feet.
A problem in buying the cheaper Chinese synthetic grass is that it will be very difficult to take any warranty issues back to the manufacturer in China. The person who sells you the product locally is not going to be the company that you will have to deal with if there are any problems.
Another area that you should take care in is in finding a qualified installation expert. It is important that synthetic grass is laid and secured properly from the start. Because the artificial grass industry is an expanding one there are a lot of new players coming in to get their cut and along with the legitimate ones are the dodgy, untrained contractors. Some of them have had little or no training and have set up shop looking to take advantage of the rise in new installations.
Do a little bit of homework before you, firstly, choose the synthetic grass to buy and, secondly, ask someone to install it for you. Go to a reputable company, ask to see their contractors license and be comfortable in the knowledge that you are getting a quality product installed by a qualified professional.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Synthetic Grass Demand Is Growing
This is a company that has been at the top of the synthetic turf industry for nine years now and has had its synthetic grass installed in over 5,000 residential and commercial locations throughout Southern California.
By making some conservative estimations about the benefits the product has had on the environment the installation of all of the EasyTurf synthetic grass means that Southern California residents are now saving around 56,000 gallons of water each year. This makes the synthetic grass one of the best water conservation devices available on the market.
The fact that the company has continued to grow even through the downturn in the economy is a pretty good indicator that the synthetic grass industry is still expanding. One of the things to remember about EasyTurf is that it is primarily a landscaping synthetic grass product rather than a sports turf product. The majority of installations that are being done are residential properties or golf putting greens as opposed to other synthetic turf companies that are installing artificial turf in sports stadiums.
What that tells me is that synthetic grass is becoming even more accepted as a realistic alternative to natural grass for the lawn. Could it be that the stigma of the synthetic lawn is beginning to be overcome?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Synthetic Lawns Are More Environmentally Friendly Than Grass
Where synthetic lawn gives you such a great environmental benefit is that it replaces one of the most water thirsty plants on the planet. Grass will soak up as much water as you can feed it, green up for a day or two before beginning to wilt and turn brown again as it goes in search of another massive drink. Grass is made up of thousands upon thousands of individual grass plants all interwoven with each other. They are all enormous consumers of water and need it on a regular basis.
Maintenance of grass is mandatory. You cannot have a natural grass lawn and let it grow wild, otherwise the grass will be armpit deep and snakes and other unfriendlies will be living in it. Your grass lawn will require regular mowing and the traditional gas lawnmower spews out pollution and carbon emissions at a phenomenal rate. The old two-stroke is hardly the most efficient machine ever built and the nitrogen oxide and carbon monoxide released into the atmosphere every time you cut the grass rivals the pollution produced by automobiles every year.
Replacing your grass with a synthetic grass lawn will immediately remove the need to start up the lawnmower and so, the source of a regular outflow of pollution.
You rarely hear anyone acknowledging the fact that by pottering around in the backyard we are contributing significantly to the carbon pollution that is currently dominating many minds. A synthetic lawn will allow an even more valuable commodity to be collected and that is time. By no longer having to spend as much time on the general maintenance duties that come with keeping the grass up to a certain standard, it gives you the time to concentrate your attention elsewhere.
Synthetic grass lawns are not for everybody, this is undeniable. But the arguments that many people use against the artificial alternative are largely inaccurate. If the truth were acknowledged it is simply that synthetic lawn is a new product and people are naturally wary of things that are new.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
A Better Way To Make Artificial Grass
It is heartwarming to see the steady push to find better products to resolve the concerns that have been raised about fake grass. Not only do polyethylene fibers answer the health concerns but the material is also more advantageous environmentally because the water is able to drain straight through just like real grass.
A further positive for this new generation artificial turf product it is made out of entirely recyclable materials an additional bonus over nylon fibers. Hopefully this new know-how in the fake grass industry will help the regard of a product that brings a lot of advantages. It is to be expected that more clients will be inclined to buy synthetic grass based on these facts.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Composting With Earthworms
Luckily there are many of little workers in the garden who will be happy to turn your garden waste into the most precious type of compost for free.
Naturally I'm chatting about composting worms. Keeping a worm farm takes up not a lot of room and the mere presence means you will have a handy way to use kitchen leftovers and unwanted organic waste. The castings that worms create are rich in nutrients and are suitable to condition the dirt when added in good enough quantities.
A worm farm will not stink, is cheap to buy and maintain and easy to use. There are loads of ready made cheap worm farms existing. Some of the best are made of plastic and can be stacked in trays on top of one another allowing the worms to move without difficulty from one box to another in search of food, leaving you with the compost to move straight to the garden.
As for the worms themselves, there are many places online to buy cheap composting worms in bulk. Close to 30,000 worms will turn over 2 pounds of waste every day and you will be startled at the quantity of compost produced. A worm farm can be established with an original group of 200 worms and they will begin to grow as they feed and grow.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Fears Still Exist About Artificial Turf
Studies in athletes have also shown increased risk for wound infections when playing on these surfaces. There have been conflicting studies surrounding some of these issues with one study clearing the risk of poisoning by either coming in contact with the synthetic grass or by ingesting the rubber granule particles.
There have even been calls for a moratorium on installing artificial grass until further studies are done and parents fears are allayed. The fact is, there are a lot of new products in the market to use as grass infill in place of the more common rubber granule derived from recycled car tires. These products are more expensive but they are also much safer to use, some come from natural products and all have a range of advantages over the cheaper, but dirtier rubber granule.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Buying Synthetic Grass
To that end it pays to be mindful that the cost of artificial grass is not limited to buying the actual grass itself. There are some important considerations as to the factors that affect the cost of artificial grass. One of those is the cost of the installation.
Things such as whether there is easy access to the location that the synthetic grass is going to be laid. If there are stairs, a challenging slope or a narrow access – or even no access to the backyard will increase labor charges. If there is any demolition that has to take place before the area can be prepared for grass laying the process of doing so will further increase cost.
The shape of the yard that is going to be laid will also play a part in the final cost of installation, too. If the yard contains tight angles, unusual shapes or unexpected obstructions, the time to trim and fit the grass will blow out. Every moment that runs longer than was originally expected will affect the final cost of installation.
The cost of artificial grass, both the purchase of the grass itself and the installation, may seem steep at first. But when you factor in the reduced maintenance costs and the time savings, you may find that it’s not such a huge outlay after all.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Battling the Cockroaches that Might Consume Your Orchids
Cockroaches are among the most annoying pests with which you will have to deal in growing orchids. They can do heartbreaking damage in a scant few nights if not stopped and destroyed.
Why are roaches such a huge problem? The answer is that one of their favorite meals is a potted plant's tender young roots and flower stems. It is not unheard of for the roots of a plant to be completely chewed up in one night by roaches.
How to effectively get control of a roach problem is an enormous topic. People have been fighting with them in their homes and kitchens for centuries, and we will probably be fighting them for centuries to come. They have evolved to be incredibly successful in living amongst us and in resisting extermination.
A wide array of poisons have been devised in an attempt to control cockroaches. If you go the poison route, you must of course only use the ones that will not harm your plants. Visit the garden supplies aisle of your neighborhood hardware store.
To avoid poisons that could be dangerous to your pets and family, try the boric acid solution. Just mix boric acid with a little sugar and some flour and water to make a paste. You should spread a little paste into every nook and cranny in your greenhouse or plant room. To be completely safe, though, don't allow any of this paste on your plants themselves.
You might also set out some of those "roach hotels." These will catch many roaches and stop a few at least from getting to your orchids in the first place.
Truly, the only way you can every keep roaches under control is to look for them constantly. You should especially search for them on and around your plants in the evening, using a flashlight. They leave their hiding places in the evening to seek food and it is then that they are most easily caught and killed. Don't forget to move your pots and baskets around to uncover ones that may have run into hiding from you.
A good guide to orchid growing will have many more tips and suggestions for making sure that pests such as roaches don't put an end to your plants. The most up-to-date guide to modern orchid growing, many agree, is Orchid Care Expert by Nigel Howard, which can be downloaded from the Internet. Howard's well-written guide constitutes a complete education all by itself. And, it's appropriate for those just starting out as well as more seasoned orchid growers. Also, check out the Orchid Secrets web site, which has a growing database of postings on many topics of orchid cultivation.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Blooms Indoors - Force Bulbs
Making Blooms Indoors
To have lovely spring flowers indoors in the middle of winter, start the process in the fall. Growing bulbs indoors takes up little space, and it’s easy and fun. Creating a simulated short winter does the trick. Fool potted bulbs into thinking t's winter by putting them in a cool closet, in the refrigerator, or if it's cold outside, in a foam cooler on a balcony, patio or porch. By doing this, they will grow sturdy roots and start to sprout in preparation for spring.
Use Good Soil
You can make your own potting soil, or use any commercial organic potting mix. It's not hard to make your own potting soil. Use 1 part sterilized potting soil, one part perlite, and 2 parts peat moss. Now, mix these things well together. These ingredients will make a clean, porous, moisture retaining, nutrient filled potting soil.
Unsterilized soil from your outside garden because it may contain bacterial or fungal pathogens that could infect the plant roots, so it's better not to use it.
Find A Pot To Plant In
Choose the pot you want to use after the soil is ready, and place a few pieces of broken crockery over the drainage holes. This keeps the soil from falling out while you're planting the bulbs, and keeps the hole from clogging up later.
Next, fill the pot half-full of soil mix. With the pointed ends up, place the bulbs in the container. Plant the bulbs as closely together as possible, without actually letting the bulbs touch. The pot should then be filled with soil mix. Water the bulbs thoroughly from the top or immerse them in a tub of water. That settles the soil around the bulbs.
Bulbs Need Time In The Dark
Crocus, daffodils and snowdrops work well, or any other early blooming bulbs. You can find these bulbs at many places. Just as an example,click here for Daffodils from Breck's, plus many other gorgeous flowering bulbs. It takes about 12 weeks to force these early bloomers. Tulips and bulbs like them need longer, about 16 weeks. The flowers will be taller if they are left in cold storage longer.
Bulbs that are in storage for too short a time will have smaller plants and aborted flowers.
The Bulbs Need Light.
After enough time has passed and it's close time for the bulbs to bloom, start chiecking the pots every day or two. When there are shoots 2 to 3 inches above the soil and fine white roots emerging from the drainage holes, it’s time to bring the pots out of cold storage.
Once the bulbs are at this point, they should be placed in indirect lighting for a while before moving them to direct sunlight. Be sure the soil doesn't dry out.
It's good if you can first move bulbs to a fairly cool location if possible, such as an unheated entryway or closed off back bedroom, where the temperatures are in the ’50s, before moving them on to the heated areas of the house, and into more direct sunlight.
New Life For Used Bulbs.
If you wish to reuse the bulbs, after blooms die, cut the flower stems off. Give the foliage plenty of sunlight to allow continued growth. This gathers nutrients for the bulb to bloom next year.
After the foliage withers, don’t pull the leaves off. Leave them be and store the bulbs in the pots in a cool, dry place until they can be planted outside. The bulb is weakened from being forced to bloom inside. Trying to force it to bloom a second time inside doesn't work well. Blooms, if any, produced from a second forcing would be small.
When the bulbs are placed back in the garden, this allows them to return to a natural schedule. After a coulple of years, they should once more produce beautiful blooms.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Help To Spruce Up Your Home and Increase It's Value Using Design Landscaping
Landscaping Ideas and Tips : Adding Mosaic Stone Interest Pieces to your Landscape Design
Design landscaping is meant to create a setting for your home and garden areas that reflect your personality and make people feel welcomed into your world. Whatever landscape design you choose will create a sense of style for the grounds that surround your home and will set the overall tone for your visitors. Landscaping that is well-done can also significantly raise the value of your property.
There are many ways that you can improve the landscaping around your home. Some people worry that to improve their landscape design properly, they need to hire landscape architects or landscape contractors. This can be wonderful if you can afford it, but many people very successfully undertake the landscaping design for their homes on their own.
If you are interested in tackling the project of improving the design landscaping around your home, then you should first learn some of the essential design principles that are specific to landscaping. There are four primary principles that govern a good landscape design plan. With these principles, you can add your own preferences and sense of style and you can easily create the landscaping around your home that reflects your personality.
The first element of landscaping is the concept of balance. If you concentrate most of your new plants in one area, then the rest of your garden landscaping area will look rather neglected. Distribute the plants around the yard or the garden at least somewhat evenly and with a sense of flow. This will help draw the eye though the entire landscape design and engage your visitors.
The second aspect of great landscaping is proportion. The idea here is to make sure that any landscape design feature you choose fits in appropriately, in terms of size, to the surrounding areas, fixtures and structures. Trying to wedge an huge gazebo into a tiny back yard will end up looking almost comical, and will not provide a great effect. At the same time, if you have an enormous front lawn, then you will need to add larger elements in plantings or features that will be noticed and not overwhelmed.
Transition is the third principle you need to know for your landscaping project and is closely related to proportion. Even though your landscape design can include flowers, plants, large shrubs, bushes and even trees, the way to make them really work together in a beautiful way is with the use of transition. It is the smooth flow from one type and size of plant to another. You want to lead the eye from delicate plants to larger ones with some in-between sizes. Color transitions can also be a very effective aspect of your overall landscaping design plan.
The last of the four concepts of landscaping is unity and it is the ultimate sense that you are trying to express with your design. All of the choices that you make in how you balance, proportion, and transition the various colors, sizes and textures of your landscape elements should be governed by a unifying theme. This is what brings the landscape design together to work in harmony and create a spectacular home and garden.
It is helpful to select a theme for your design landscaping and utilize that theme throughout your entire design plan. Just be sure to stick to your chosen theme all the way through and only use elements that fit into that theme. If you started out to create the feel of an English cottage garden, then you do not want to add accent pieces that have an oriental flair.
No realestate is finished without some type of grass, as well as some forms of shruberry to help enhance the overall quality of the building. The added value of curb appeal can make the difference when selling a house or increasing the value of a home. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. There is no downside to get some advice from professionals or some knowledge prior to you beginning tearing up your front yard. A few trees, some nice green grass and you will have it down pat before you know it. Who knows? Possibly you will consider it as a line of work that you might be curious in following. The following are some of the frequently asked question people have for landscaping so that you can have an idea of how landscaping is done and how it can be easier than you might think.
When should I hire a landscaper?
You should employ a landscaper if you do not have a "green thumb" and you are not going to have the necessary time to commit to getting rid of the prior planting as well as landscaping the new. There are specific steps that must be put into place to prevent soil erosion so it will need at least a weekend of challenging work. Landscaper's are not cheap but you can find one at a reasonable cost contingent upon on how large the area is and how much labor you mean to complete yourself. If you are going to upkeep the area, you will spend less money as well.
Perennials and annuals - What makes them different?
Both are, certainly, plants although the variation is in how long they last and how often you are required to plant them again. Annuals must be replanted eash year. Examples of annuals are any type of vegetable, sunflowers and flowers for instance violets. Perennials are plants that will renew themselves. Some examples would be trees, bulb plants such as lilies, tulips and include roses and other sturdy plants that become inactive in the winter months. The majority of grasses which are ornamental are considered to be perennials.
Whats the best way to decide on the kind of plant to use?
The kind of plant you choose will depend on your climate and the amount of water you want to use. It will also be dependent on how much sun that your gets throughout the day. Some plants flourush in the shade while others will wilt. For those individuals who reside in drought prone areas, they should think about planting plants that are hardy which require little water and really help preserve the soil from process of erosion. Numerous people elect to have rock gardens and cactus if they live in desert environments.
When is the ideal planting season?
The ideal planting season is dependent upon what variation of plant you want to grow. The best time to plany bulbs is in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root within the soil. Other types of plants are more suitable to planting during the spring months. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits until one or two seasons later so you have to prepare for this. Trees will have to go through several years before they become large enough to give adequate shade or produce fruit.
What will be the cost be to have my home landscaped?
It would be virtually impossible to get an accurate estimate without knowing how big your yard is, what the overall condition of the soil is and finally what kind of plants that you are looking to plant in your yard. You can take a general guess that it will be at least five hundred dollars and can quickly go upwards of several thousand dollars for exotic plants and intricate features. A landscaper can give you an estimate for the cost.
To find out additional information head on over to Landscape Plants and more information at Landscape Designs For The Southwest also click here How To Choose The Right Landscaping Trees
Friday, January 9, 2009
Beautify Your Landscaping Through Garden Landscape Furniture
How to Pick Garden Decorations - How to Add Garden Furniture
Every good landscape designer knows that the outdoor furniture that is included in the landscape design plan is a very important part of making the outdoor spaces work for the homeowner. When beautiful and durable furnishings are incorporated into the overall design of lawns and gardens, wonderful spaces are created that allow the owners and their guests to make the most of the enticing areas around the home. Comfortable garden furnishings will help guests feel welcomed to your home and garden as well.
A good landscape design not only creates beautiful surroundings, but the most beneficial landscaping concepts carve out additional living space that extends the effective square footage of a home. Depending on the size of your land and the actual design of the landscape, these outdoor living spaces can sometimes double the area people have for gatherings of friends and family. The seating arrangements make a huge difference in how well these spaces are ultimately used and how you guests will enjoy your efforts at entertaining out of doors.
There is a huge variety of outdoor and garden furniture that is available these days. Styles range from the very casual to the upscale and elegant. There are also many different types of materials from which outdoor furniture is made, from the structure or frame of the item to the coverings and cushions that make them so comfortable to use.
When selecting garden furnishings, some people like to choose styles, colors and textures that blend in and reflect the overall design of the landscaping around their home. This approach tends to create a harmonious blend that helps people relax and feel more drawn into the garden surroundings. Greens, browns and the more muted tones of nature are popular for those who like to create a gentle flow between their garden design and the furnishings they add.
Other homeowners enjoy furnishings for the garden that pop out and get attention. Often the colors are bright and the designs are bold and not meant to blend into the natural background. The pieces usually have an artistic feel and are meant to make a statement and sometimes reflect the personality of the homeowner. These kinds of choices in outdoor furnishings will create a lively atmosphere for fun and frivolity.
Another approach that some people take for their outdoor living spaces is to make you feel as though the patio or the garden you have just stepped into is simply a continuation of the interior living space. This is achieved by choosing styles, colors and fabrics that very closely emulate the furnishings inside the house. Many people like this approach as it can trick the eye and make both the home and garden spaces seem larger as they flow together seamlessly.
In addition to properly setting up your outdoor living spaces with wonderful garden furniture, you want to be sure that you don't neglect good lighting for the space. Landscape lighting is a wonderful way to further add ambiance and charm to your outdoor living areas, not to mention it is essential if you will be entertaining after sunset.
No realestate is finished without some type of grass, as well as some forms of shruberry to help enhance the overall quality of the building. The added value of curb appeal can make the difference when selling a house or increasing the value of a home. Any small amounts help and you don't have to always use a professional to complete the landscaping for you. It never hurts to have some professional advice or a little bit of knowledge before you start ripping up your front yard, though. Some trees, some pleasant green grass, and you will get it down pat before you know it Who knows? Possibly you will consider it as a career that you might be interested in pursuing. Below there are some basic frequently asked questions of landscaping so that you can get some idea of how landscaping is completed and how it might be simpler than you may think.
Can I do my own landscaping?
Yes, you can do your own landscaping if you have a little information on how to get it done and if have the time to do so. You will be getting your hands dirty. Plus you will need to have knowledge of what plants are the best for your terrain. If you are making structures that are man-made such as ponds or decks, you will have to have some carpentry as well as plumbing skills. You will also have to recognize the way to upkeep the pond since the last thing you need after putting in all that work is to produce a body of water filled up with algae as well as moquito larvae.
What credentials should I search for in a good landscaper?
A good landscaper will have a photography album of all the landscape designs that he or she has completed. They will have a background with an education in landscape architecture or have plenty of actual education in landscaping. If you want to see an actual landscape that they have created as well as planted, the landscaper shouldn't balk at demonstrating for you or furnishing for you with the contact details of the owner of the property. It is in their best interest to have happy and satisfied clients.
Whats the best way to decide on the kind of plant to use?
The type of plant you select will depend on your environmental condition and how much you want to water. It will also be dependent on how much sun your yard gets during the day. Some plants thrive in the shade while others will wilt. For those individuals who live in areas that are prone to drought, they should think about planting hardy plants which need little water and really help maintain the soil from erosion. Many people elect to have rock gardens and cactus if they happen to live in desert climates.
At what time is the ideal season for planting?
The ideal planting season is dependent upon what kind of plant you want to grow. Bulbs are best planted in the fall so that they have the necessary time to root within the soil. Other plants are more suitable to planting in the months of the spring. Some plants will not produce flowers or fruits for one or two seasons later so you need to prepare for this. Trees will have to work through several years before they become big enough to give adequate shade or produce fruit.
Will it increase the value and curb appeal of my home?
A well designed and a great looking lawn can provide excellent curb appeal as well as higher value to your home. It will make the features of your home stand out and if you are looking to sell your home, it is one of the first details that potential buyers will notice. For adding a high degree of instant value to your home there isn't anything comparable to a well maintained lawn that is carefully maintained.
To learn more click here Landscape Lighting Kits and more information at Landscape Designs and Landscaping Diy Stores
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Common Vegetable Garden Pests
Bugs and insects are a huge pain for many vegetable gardeners. Most bugs aren't particularly destructive, they're just annoying. However, discovering a garden pest making a meal of your crop would make anybody furious.
Among the ugliest garden pests is the tomato hornworm. This fat worm is green and white in color and has a horn like a stinger. It can be plucked from the plant using gloved hands and submerged in soapy water to kill it. You could also spray it with stomach poison insecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis or neem oil.
Thrips are partial to a variety of plants. You'll know they've been there by the random white marks you see on the leaves. You can wash the bugs off by using a hose, and then apply contact poison to the plant.
Snails and slugs will devour the leaves on your plants, and they always leave a slimy trail as evidence. You can buy bait to attract and kill them, but you can achieve the same thing with a shallow dish of beer; they'll be drawn to it and drown.
Those plump white worms that you see in the ground are most likely grubs. When grubs attack your plants they start to droop and their growth will be stunted. You can usually eliminate them with some milky spore added to the earth. Grubs later become beetles, which can be wiped out using stomach poison insecticide.
Cutworms typically cut down the stem near the bottom of the plant. Putting a paper collar around the plants is really the only way to keep them away.
Corn earworms will infiltrate a cob of corn while it's still on the stalk and consume the kernels. Likewise, a tomato fruitworm consumes the insides of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Choose an insecticide targeted to the elimination of earworms.
You'll find borers in thick stemmed vine plants like squash and pumpkin. You have to cut them out of the plant in order to get rid of them. You might end up having to pull up the plant and destroying it if you find a borer near the base of the plant. You can usually get rid of them with insecticide.
Beetles are bothersome pests that enjoy munching on leaves. They are able to do an astonishing amount of harm to a vegetable garden, therefore it's essential to eliminate them. It's possible to pluck the beetles off the plants, or spray with an insecticide to destroy them.
Aphids are a common sight in any vegetable garden. Typically, you'll come across bunches of tiny, soft bugs in assorted colors. To eliminate aphids, use neem oil or insecticidal soap.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
In the Winter, Orchids Need their Rest
Orchids need "rest" time each year. The particular time for this depends on the species, but for most orchids it should start some time in the autumn and continue through most of the winter. You must care for plants differently at this time than you would during their exuberant growth periods (spring and summer usually). This is an often-overlooked part of growing orchids successfully.
A good general practice is to give your orchids rest from November through the middle of February. The way to do this is to reduce the amount you water them, while lowering the temperature around them.
For tropical orchids, keep the air temperature at around 60 or 65. For species originating in colder locales, you can lower the temperature to around 45 degrees.
At this time, give your orchids just enough water to keep them from shriveling. Most of the moisture should be supplied by misting or by taking measures to keep the air humid. From time to time, though, you should poke down into the soil and examine the stem, roots and rooting medium of your plants. If these are beginning to dry out you can water them directly.
Some species will continue to grow during the winter months. These will required somewhat more water than those that truly go dormant. If you see new shoots coming up, though, try to avoid wetting them or they else they might rot.
Some orchids are deciduous. This means they will lose their leaves after they have finished their growth for the year. You need to give these as much sun and light during their rest period as you can. This will let their pseudobulbs ripen, in turn letting them grow stronger and flower more freely.
Proper orchid care is not that hard or mysterious. But to avoid problems you will need more detailed information than can be covered in a short article. The most thorough guide to modern orchid cultivation, many agree, is Orchid Care Expert by Nigel Howard, which may be downloaded from the web. Howard's clearly written guide will furnish a complete education on the subject. Also, check out the Orchid Secrets web site, which has an ever-growing database of information on many facets of orchid cultivation.
Friday, January 2, 2009
Winter Vegetable Gardening Yields a Spring Harvest
When you think of gardening, chances are that you probably don't consider winter the best time to do it. After all, very few plants can survive in the harsh, cold environment. Why else do the trees lose their leaves and such? However, there are a number of sturdy, rough plants that you can choose to grow for harvest in the springtime. Winter vegetable gardening does not really include actually growing these plants during the winter. Rather, most of the growing takes place in the fall before winter time, and the plants are merely sturdy enough to survive the cold better than other plants.
Sturdy Plants
Which kinds of plants can cling to life when the temperature dips to zero? There are still enough that you can undertake winter vegetable gardening. You have such varieties as carrots, cauliflower, and beets to grow over the winter. While surely not as numerable as plants designed for growth during the normal gardening season, these vegetable gardening seeds will grow during some of the harshest winters that we experience as far north as states like Oregon and Pennsylvania, which tend to be temperate in the summer and can experience some very cold winters.
However, winter vegetable gardening also incorporates some other tools to help you grow during the off-season. Consider building walls or windbreaks to help keep the temperature around ten degrees warmer on the coldest days, and exterior greenhouses can help keep the plants in temperate weather even when there is ice on the ground. On same days, you may even need to ventilate greenhouses to prevent an excessive amount of heat from harming your plants. Considering that the ground can freeze up to half a foot deep depending on the temperature, you should take every precaution available to give your plants a fighting chance. By following these tips, winter vegetable gardening should never be a problem.
As previously stated, winter vegetable gardening doesn't really involve growing plants in the winter, when they will grow very slowly, if at all. Instead, it simply helps these plants to survive so that you can pick them in the spring for delicious vegetables like beets, carrots, and cauliflower. It does take a little more work and is slightly more expensive than traditional gardening, but there is no reason why a season should stop you from practicing one of your favorite hobbies. It can be a challenge at times, surely, but winter vegetable gardening is an incredibly rewarding experience.
For more about gardening please visit www.organicgardeningzone.com
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Lawn & Irrigation Sprinklers : Planning Irrigation Technique for Garden
Making a proper choice of irrigation method plays an important role in keeping garden green and healthy. For the hindrance of the growth of vegetation, over-water supply or insufficient supply of water both are responsible .
The size of your garden and the types of your garden plants and vegetation normally determine what kind of irrigation supplies you will need to prepare your irrigation system. If you have difficulty in choosing right watering system, you can consult an efficient gardener. You can even browse through internet for getting appropriate information .
Drip Irrigation Technique
As water is precious, one can not afford to overuse water aimlessly. If you have diverse types of plantation in your garden then drip irrigation can help you in supplying water to the very roots of your vegetation. This way of irrigation offer drips of water uniformly making use of emitters.
One of the most remarkable benefits of this irrigation method is it prevents water from getting evaporated. This offers a reduced level of water usage. It also helps in water conservation. Drip irrigation system can become an effective watering method that can help you save your time that goes behind your manual process of watering with a water pipe.
Drip irrigation technique is not suitable for covering the entire range of your garden lawn . You can make use of sprinklers for irrigating your lawn. The overhead and lawn sprinklers are popular forms of irrigation because they are installed and maintained easily.
Over the lawn area, sprinklers arbitrarily throw water with pipes. Water is thus sprayed in small drops. And your targeted area gets watered . Install the finest sprinkler system in your garden and conserve water.
Advanced types of automatic lawn sprinklers are there for you for easy function . You can adjust them as you wish keeping in mind the level of moisture in the soil and your watering needs . You can adjust drip irrigation according to what your necessity is.
Tips for Lawn Sprinkler System Installation
Build a sprinkler system by following few steps that needed. Firstly, get hold of Spray Pop-ups which are helpful in regulating the spray direction.They also involve an inlet that is clog free .
After that, you can use Swing Joints to simplify your pop-up installation. They are flexible and have leak tight swivel joints. Therefore, you can have easy installation of pop-up in different areas. From outer impact, you can brace it.
For maintaining your lawn and garden, Floppy Sprinklers are used these days. Because they are light weighted, you can place them on an aluminum stand for water distribution task .
Finally, for quick assembling and removal of a floppy sprinkler, use couplers. They offer weather and chemical resistance because they are made up of plastic.
The entire process of installing irrigation system suitable to your watering needs and its proper use will give you huge benefits.